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[Where is the new way out for the textile and garment industry?]
Release date:[2023/9/21] Read a total of[187]time

Where is the new way out for the textile and garment industry?

Peak season demand is not strong, coupled with more and more new ships into the market, Shanghai export container freight index (SCFI) once again fell below 1,000 points.

According to the latest data released by the Shanghai HNA Exchange on September 8, the SCFI index fell 34.42 points to 999 points last week, a weekly decline of 3.33%, and turned negative again after a brief rally for a week. Among the major long-distance routes, North American routes fell again after a strong recovery in the previous week, and European freight rates remained weak.

Among them, the freight rate of the Far East to the West of the United States fell by $99 per FEU to $2,037, a weekly decline of 4.63%; The FEU rate for the Far East to the United States East line fell by $263 to $2,869, a weekly decline of 8.4%. The Far East to Europe freight rate fell by $54 per TEU to $714, or 7.03%; The Far East to Mediterranean line fell $56 per TEU to $1,308, a weekly decline of 4.11%.

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